Monday 24 February 2014

Wild Indonesia- Extreme Tourism

Indonesia In Extreme Style
For most travelers Republic of Indonesia is mainly associated with Bali island. However, the country has a lot to offer for those who are eager to take a rest far from trendy resorts and beach exotics. Those who love everything out of ordinary can choose an extreme tour.
Travel managers say that the number of tourists who choose adventurous trips is getting bigger and bigger. Indonesia is probably one of the best places to spend your time this way. The country includes: Greater Sunda Islands (Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java and Madura), Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku islands and the western part of the New Guinea island, formerly known as Irian Jaya. This is the real expanse for extreme travelers.
The most typical pastime is a trip to Java and Bali islands. This is in fact not an extreme tour, and it suits simple tourists who love active rest. Having arrived at Jakarta, travelers change their means of transport to Jeeps and ride along the Java island, admiring volcanoes, national parks, active geysers and wild animals. I trip like this usually includes a tour around huge internationally renowned temples, like Buddhist Borobudur and Hindu Prambanan. In Borobudur you can observe 1500 VIII-X century bas-reliefs and sculptures whereas Prambanan offers stunningly graceful and realistic sculptures that portray gods. After a week of walks along rural roads tourists find themselves on Bali. At day, the best pastime is sunbathing and swimming whereas at night you can spent your time clubbing and partying. Such 15-day tour costs no less than $1500.
Those who value real adventures are offered other kinds of trips. For instance, you can pay $2,5-5 thousand and spent your time on Irian Jaya island living among cannibals (better not to spend too much time here) – an ancient nationality which managed to preserve its world-known traditions. Tourists live in real Papuan villages, raft along tropical rivers, participate in magical rituals and wild hunting using primitive tools. You will also get your doze of adrenalin when participating in tours called “Visiting head hunters”. This is a trip to Kalimantan island, during which you will travel on Jeeps, boats and by foot along the primeval jungles surrounded with rhinoceroses, giant butterflies, orang-utans and bears. Travelers spend two weeks on getting acquainted with customs and tempers of local wild tribes, familiarizing themselves with a fabulous sultan’s palace in Tenggarong, dancing at Tanamur – the country’s most famous disco and doing shopping at local floating market.

7 Extreme Travel Destinations in Indonesia

Volcanoes in the Sea Banua in Wuhu
Want to see the volcanic activity as well as a dive? In Banua Wuhu, you can see two unusual beauty of Indonesia's.
Banua Wuhu is a volcano located on the seabed with a height of 400 meters from the seabed. Banua Wuhu is located in the area of ​​Sangihe, North Sulawesi.
Point of the mountain crater marked by the release of bubbles within the rock at a depth of 8 meters. Water temperatures average 37-38 degrees Celsius there. In a number of holes, out of hot water which seems capable of making bare hands blistered when try to reach into it.
However, amid the dangers of the volcano, the surrounding marine life interesting, with dense coral reefs at depths of 10-20 meters. Not surprisingly, Wuhu Banua be one unique dive destinations in Indonesia.
That said, in Wuhu Banua contained underwater passage through both ways. Local communities celebrate Tulude each end of January. Two weeks before the ritual, the elders will dive with a white plate of gold as offerings to the hallway so Banua Wuhu not wrath.

Mengenang Humor-humor Gus Dur

Humor-Humor Gus Dur
Sebagai tokoh pluralis, mantan Presiden KH Abdurrahman Wahid atau Gus Dur juga dikenal sebagai sosok yang humoris. Banyak celutukan, guyonan, dan tanggapannya atas peristiwa dan masalah pelik membuat masyarakat yang keningnya berkerut, dengan refleks menarik ujung bibir dan membentuk seulas senyuman.

Bahkan Suatu saat, ketika ditanya tentang "hobinya" ini, bagi Gus Dur, humor sudah menjadi makanan sehari-harinya.

"Gus, kok suka humor terus sih?" tanya seseorang, yang kagum karena humor Gus Dur selalu berganti-ganti. "Di pesantren, humor itu jadi kegiatan sehari-hari," jelasnya. "Dengan lelucon, kita bisa sejenak melupakan kesulitan hidup. Dengan humor, pikiran kita jadi sehat," sambungnya.

Banyak humor-humor yang dilontarkan Gus Dur dalam berbagai kesempatan, yang bisa kita simak berikut.

Humor NU
Seperti saat menggambarkan fanatisme orang NU, bagi Gus Dur, ada tiga tipe orang NU.
"Kalau mereka datang dari pukul tujuh pagi hingga jam sembilan malam, dan menceritakan tentang NU, itu biasanya orang NU yang memang punya komitmen dan fanatik terhadap NU," jelasnya tentang jenis yang pertama.
Jenis yang kedua adalah mereka yang meski sudah larut malam, sekitar jam dua belas sampai jam satu malam, namun masih mengetuk pintu Gus Dur untuk membicarakan NU, “Itu namanya orang gila NU.”
“Tapi kalau ada orang NU yang masih juga mengetuk pintu rumah saya jam dua dinihari hingga jam enam pagi, itu namanya orang NU yang gila,” kata Gus Dur sambil terkekeh saat itu.

10 Desain Interior Mobil yang Terbaik dan Termewah di Dunia

Interior menjadi bagian yang sangat penting bagi sebuah mobil. Bagaimana tidak? Nyaman atau tidaknya yang dirasakan oleh penumpang ditentukan oleh saat ia berada di dalam mobil.

Walaupun design luar mobil begitu mengagumkan, namun interiornya sungguh menjemukan, membosankan, dan kondisi lain yang tak mengenakkan, penumpang pasti akan merasa 'galau' selama perjalanan. Bahkan bisa-bisa berpengaruh negatif pada fisik ataupun emosional.

Para produsen mobil mewah pun akan terus memutar otak merancang interior, untuk melengkapi kemewahan bentuk eksteriornya. Berikut ini ada 10 desain interior terbaik dari beberapa brand mobil mewah, yang dilansir Wards Auto, yang patut Anda ketahui.

10. Volkswagen Beetle

Duduk di dalam kabin, pengemudi bisa menemukan interior hitam bergaya piano klasik, tuas transmisi dengan gaya perpindahan sederhana yang menunjukkan 6-percepatan plus satu mundur, setir dengan ukuran genggaman yang kecil, fasilitas navigasi, dan kotak penyimpanan ganda.

Kursi pengemudi-penumpang di depan bergaya sporty, dan terdapat pula kursi belakang yang sayangnya cuma bisa dimuati dua orang. Namun bagian itu bisa dilipat untuk memberi ruang penyimpan tambahan.